Does Investment, Zakat, Infak and Shadaqah and Inflation Infuence the Economic Growth?: Evidence from Indonesia [post]

andi triyawan
2022 unpublished
Economic growth became the topic of discussion that is important in the country's economy (Manzoor, et., al., 2019; Urbano, et. al, 2019; Susilawati, et, al, 2020). Economic growth is seen as the long-term macroeconomic problem, which has been seen as the benchmark for its economic development. Economic growth is a form of development of economic activities that increase the production of goods and services (Ivanović-Djukić, et, al. 2018; Sherwood, 2019). The main component of economic growth
more » ... the accumulation of capital, which covers all types of investment in the capital; population growth will contribute to the total labor force; and support the advancement of technology (Sukirno, 2015).Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of indicator for determining the country's economic state and development. GDP is the total value of final goods and services produced by all monetary units (Center Bureau of Statistics, 2021). The economy will grow if the total production of goods and services in a given year is higher than in the previous year. The economic growth rate of Indonesia's GDP fluctuates between 2014 and 2020.
doi:10.31219/ fatcat:znbofb3i2rbvtkw4fxovmcmveu