Phase behavior in binary and ternary water-salt systems at high temperatures and pressures

V. M. Valyashko
1997 Pure and Applied Chemistry  
In the present review some selected results on liquid-liquid immiscibility, salt solubility, critical and tricritical phenomena in hydrothermal systems are presented. The data on phase behavior of watersalt mixtures have been obtained in a frame of approach to systematic investigation of phase equilibria over a wide range of parameters discussed earlier in this Journal (Pure & AppLChem. 67, 567 (1995). Water-salt mixtures belong to a large class of systems characterized by different volatility
more » ... f the components. Water is always the volatile component, whereas nonvolatile components are inorganic compounds with low vapor pressure and high melting temperature (often higher than critical temperature of water). Main regularities of phase behavior in binary and ternary systems over a wide range of temperatures and pressures can be represented by means of complete phase diagrams. The diagrams describe all equilibria with gas (vapor), liquid and/or solid phases in a wide range of parameters and usefill for systems with the components of different volatility, whether they are hydrocarbons, water, inorganic gases or salts.
doi:10.1351/pac199769112271 fatcat:52obwcen3vcvbp7i5to7r3kkxu