Eliciting the Demand for Long Term Care Coverage: A Discrete Choice Modelling Analysis

Rinaldo Brau, Matteo Lippi Bruni
2006 Social Science Research Network  
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more » ... bedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Summary We evaluate the demand for long term care (LTC) insurance prospects in a stated preference context, by means of the results of a choice experiment carried out on a representative sample of the Emilia-Romagna population. Choice modelling techniques have not been used yet for studying the demand for LTC services. In this paper these methods are first of all used in order to assess the relative importance of the characteristics which define some hypothetical insurance programmes and to elicit the willingness to pay for some LTC coverage prospects. Moreover, thanks to the application of a nested logit specification with 'partial degeneracy', we are able to model the determinants of the preference for status quo situations where no systematic cover for LTC exists. On the basis of this empirical model, we test for the effects of a series of socio-demographic variables as well as personal and household health state indicators. Abstract We evaluate the demand for long term care (LTC) insurance prospects in a stated preference context, by means of the results of a choice experiment carried out on a representative sample of the Emilia-Romagna population. Choice modelling techniques have not been used yet for studying the demand for LTC services. In this paper these methods are ...rst of all used in order to assess the relative importance of the characteristics which de...ne some hypothetical insurance programmes and to elicit the willingness to pay for some LTC coverage prospects. Moreover, thanks to the application of a nested logit speci...cation with 'partial degeneracy', we are able to model the determinants of the preference for status quo situations where no systematic cover for LTC exists. On the basis of this empirical model, we test for the e¤ects of a series of socio-demographic variables as well as personal and household health state indicators. The authors are particularly indebted to Anna Maria Pinna who provided invaluable contributions to the initial stages of this project and to Gianluca Fiorentini for his continuous support. We also would like to thank participants at the SIEP conference (Pavia) and at the European Conference on LTC held at ZEW (Mannheim), especially Frank Lichtemberg and Peter Zweifel, for their suggestions. Silvia Balia, Elisabetta Cherchi and Cristina Ugolini provided useful comments on an earlier version of the paper. Financial support by the Italian Ministry of scienti...c research is gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.903079 fatcat:gznyhoicvrhe5mmi5n2to3dpia