CNC Paper Cutter [article]

Seyda Islam Emu, Sazid Noor Rabi, Rahat Chowdhury, Somlata Dev Sharma
2019 Zenodo  
A CNC machine is being developed in this project that can cut many materials, including paper and thin plastic sheets. The term CNC, which stands for computer numerical control, denotes that a computer is likely in charge of the machine. It is used to process a piece of material in accordance with the necessary specifications while operating autonomously under the guidance of a computer program. Sequential programs of machine control instructions, such as G-code, are used to transmit
more » ... s to a CNC machine, which are subsequently carried out. Graphical CAD software can be used to write or produce the application. So, utilizing the framework we created, our aim was to cut paper into any form using a microcontroller system (Arduino).
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6949748 fatcat:wtpnppkz7vee3g35k5ceclwram