Evaluation of the antimicrobial effect of calcium hydroxide combined to different vehicles

Tatiana Dantas Piana, Maria de Fátima Malvar Gesteira, Erica Dos Santos Carvalho, Josilene Borges Torres Lima Matos, Monica Franca, Leandro Miranda de Araújo, Silvio José Albergaria Da Silva
2016 Revista Odonto Ciência  
Objective: To evaluate the potentiating effect of different substances in antimicrobial action of calcium hydroxide.Methods: The agar diffusion method, was used with well technique, to analyze seven substances associated to calcium hydroxide to make some pastes, they are: chlorexidine, saline, anesthetic, malvatricin, propolis, hypochlorite, paramonochlorophenol.Results: The pastes with malvatricin and paramonochlorophenol presented greater inhibition zones against Enterococcus
more » ... on: There was potentialization in antimicrobial effect of calcium hydroxide when associated to paramonochlorophenol and to malvatricin especially against Enterococcus faecalis. Low increase of the antimicrobial capacity was observed when using chlorexidine as vehicle to calcium hydroxine paste.
doi:10.15448/1980-6532.2016.2.21522 fatcat:k6zlkmvqgbhjteanc7c5ndi4qa