In situ Infrared Spectra for Hydrous Forsterite up to 1243 K: Hydration Effect on Thermodynamic Properties

Liu, Wang, Smyth, Zhang, Wang, Zhu, Ye
2019 Minerals  
Hydrogen substitution has significant effect on the physical properties of olivine, the most abundant mineral in the upper mantle. We collected high-temperature polarized Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectra on hydrous forsterite (Mg-pure olivine) crystals, which were synthesized at 12 GPa, 1473–1673 K. The modes at 3612, 3578, 3566, 3551 cm−1 show comparable negative temperature dependence, and the magnitude of (∂vi/∂T)P decreases dramatically with frequency increasing. Whereas, the peak
more » ... t 3477 cm−1, which is attributed to protonation along the O1...O2 edge on the Si tetrahedron, has a positive temperature dependence. The absorbance intensities of all these OH bands remained almost the same when quenched to room temperature. On the other hand, we also evaluate the hydration effect on the thermodynamic properties (heat capacities). For the anhydrous forsterite sample, the intrinsic anharmonicity could significantly increase the heat capacity by 5~6% when extrapolated to 2000 K. Hydration further increase such difference to ~9%, in both the cases of M-substitution or Si-substitution. Hence, hydration in olivine has significant impact on the anharmonic contribution to the thermodynamic properties, as well as Equations of State and equilibrium isotope fractionation β-factor at high-P,T conditions in the deep mantle.
doi:10.3390/min9090512 fatcat:2d242dxuljfbvaymiplsqcg7k4