Assessment of Groundwater Quality and Pollution in the Songnen Plain of Jilin Province, Northeast China

Yanan Chen, Yichen Zhang, Jiasheng He, Jiquan Zhang, Qiuling Lang, Huanan Liu, Chenyang Wu
2021 Water  
Clean groundwater resources are vital to human health. To evaluate groundwater quality in the Songnen Plain (Jilin), a field investigation sampling test, multivariate statistical analysis, and spatial analysis were conducted based on a geographic information system. The main substances exceeding the standard were screened out, and the main controlling factors affecting groundwater quality were discussed. The research result showed that nine components exceeded groundwater standards by
more » ... ely 10%: Al, total hardness (TH), total dissolved solids (TDS), Mn, As, NO3−, Fe, F−, and BaP. The over-standard of TDS and TH in groundwater are mainly distributed in the geological environment conditions and unreasonable exploitation and utilization of groundwater in this area. The results of the multi-index evaluation showed that the most important factors affecting groundwater quality were general chemical indices, followed by inorganic toxicology and heavy metals. Controlling the overexploitation of water resources, controlling agricultural activities and sewage discharge, and implementing water conservation systems are the main pathways to improve water quality in the study area. The research results can provide a reference for groundwater pollution control and water resource protection in the Songnen Plain (Jilin).
doi:10.3390/w13172414 fatcat:e2ilvsbsazcldim62fabso4lya