Postoperative chemotherapy with CDDP and DTIC for oral malignant melawnoma

Hideaki KITADA, Ken-ichi NOTANI, Masahiro EBATA, Hiroshi FUKUDA, Hisanori MIURA, Hiroyuki NAKAMURA
1995 Japanese Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery  
We report 4 patients who underwent postoperative chemotherapy with CDDP and DTIC for oral malignant melanoma. These patients initially underwent surgical excision of the primary lesions and neck dissection. Multiple regional lymph node metastases were confirmed pathologically in 3 cases. The chemotherapy was performed approximately 4 weeks after surgery. CDDP and DTIC were given daily for 3 days at doses of 35-50mg/m2 and 250-350mg/m2, respectively. This regimen was performed twice at an
more » ... l of 3 or 4 weeks. Side effects were mild to moderate gastrointestinal reactions (nausea and vomiting), thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia, and nephrotoxicity. There was no evidence of recurrence or distant metastasis in any case after 33, 26, 24, and 16 months, respectively.
doi:10.5794/jjoms.41.315 fatcat:f5bc6mzmjfbyle4tz4orupubjq