Emergency Coordination Decision-Makers Evaluation and Selection Based on Multi-Attribute Group Decision Model

Haixia Wang, Lin Wang, Yunxian Hou
2017 Journal of Service Science and Management  
The sudden disasters often cause serious consequences; the research on emergency decision becomes a focus, and emergency collaborative decision-making is becoming a hot spot. Sudden disasters emergency behavior usually involves many departments, so it is necessary to evaluate and select the cooperative decision-makers in the process of collaborative decision-making, the appropriate cooperative decision-makers play an important role in the emergency rescue operation. Based on this, we analyze
more » ... rgency collaborative decision-making subject influence factors under the sudden disaster, and design the index system for the Evaluation and Selection of emergency collaborative decision-makers, and solve the evaluation model by the method of multi-attribute group decision-making.
doi:10.4236/jssm.2017.101004 fatcat:tqiln6oug5hbzecukytorgpapq