Performance Test and Design of Harmonic Reduction Hybrid Transformer
고조파 저감형 하이브리드 변압기의 성능시험

Ji-Ho Kim, Sung-Ho Han, Jin-Gun Son
2014 The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P  
Hybrid transformer means the distribution transformer, one of multi-function transformer equipped with the enhancement function of harmonics and unbalance. In other words, since existing transformer are equipped simply with transformation function only, a separated electric facility should be additionally installed in order to reduce the mutual harmonics and unbalance. Meanwhile, since hybrid transformer can perform the reduction of harmonics and unbalance as well as transformation function
more » ... ltaneously through zigzag winding, it doesn't need any additional electric facility. This study addressed the issue of developing and testing the performance of a generator that would reduce the harmonics supplied to the grid when grid-connected with the output of a photovoltaic inverter for photovoltaic generation system.
doi:10.5370/kieep.2014.63.4.277 fatcat:p6zqkc6lizgabh6hvpssvpbgii