Viability Kinetic Profile, Morphological Structure, and Physicochemical Characterization of Candida albicans Biofilm on Latex Silicone Surfaces

Derick Sumalapao, Esperanza Cabrera, Mary Flores, Divina Amalin, Nelson Villarante, Marohren Altura, Nina Gloriani
2018 Annual Research & Review in Biology  
Biofilm formed by Candida albicans on latex silicone surfaces was characterized by instrumental techniques such as fluorescence microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The growth and viability of C. albicans on the biofilm formed were described using different kinetic rate equations. C. albicans biofilm has a complex and heterogenous structure with hyphal elements and yeast cells entrenched within a polysaccharide matrix. Spectroscopic studies
more » ... led specific stretching frequencies of O-H, C-O, and C=O which can be attributed to Original Research Article Sumalapao et al.; ARRB, 24(3): 1-8, 2018; Article no.ARRB.39525 2 the presence of some functionalities in the biofilm formed by C. albicans. Viability of C. albicans behaved in accordance with the first-order kinetic equation on the first 48 h, then shifted to a second-order kinetic equation until the 72 h, and had a doubling time of 70 h. Information on model biofilms with emphasis on growth rates and morphogenesis, structural organization, and physicochemical characteristics can possibly explain resistance to some antifungal treatments and subsequent synthesis of newer generation drugs for fungal biofilm-related infections.
doi:10.9734/arrb/2018/39525 fatcat:rhmhbxyrgfcmtp26vywtio53ui