Research on the Relationship between Personalized Agreement and Work Performance

Yu Zhang, Xiuling Ding
2019 Proceedings of the 2018 International Symposium on Social Science and Management Innovation (SSMI 2018)   unpublished
There have been many changes in the overall work style and work performance assessment in the new era, this is directly related to the characteristics of the times and the latest needs of people. Personalized agreements formally appear in this context, referring to individualized work arrangements negotiated between employers and employees that benefit both parties. Personalized agreements can not only meet the individual needs of employees, but also is an important way for companies to attract
more » ... and motivate employees. Therefore, for the relationship between personalized agreement and work performance assessment, making relevant research is conducive to scholars and actual practitioners to better grasp the overall relationship, and is also an important theoretical basis for the development of enterprises.
doi:10.2991/ssmi-18.2019.80 fatcat:5sxl2wlturhulk6yixrsotdome