Peculiarities of Usage Diamond-Like Carbon Films as Antireflection Coating

Dmytro Zelinskyi, Viacheslav Horokhov, Olha Kondratenko, Liudmyla Shmyrova, Tetiana Semikina
2020 Electronic and Acoustic Engineering  
The series of three diamond-like carbon films was fabricated using Plasma -Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition setup designed for deposition of amorphous silicon films. The deposited films were analyzed by Spectroscopic ellipsometer Semilab SE-2000 in terms of optical properties. All the measurements were analyzed and modeled by the Fresnel equations. Three parameters were identified: refractive index, extinction index, and thickness. The range of these values indicates that the films can be
more » ... as antireflection coatings. The obtained values for n, k, and d are located in ranges: for n -1.484 and 1621, for k -0.345 and 0.062, and for d-136.20 and 74.66.
doi:10.20535/2617-0965.2020.3.3.199800 fatcat:isameamcwffitm7findpafvsta