Interaction between Starch Paste and Gellan Gum Mixtures Part A: Wheat Starch [dataset]

Invention Journals, Magdalena Orczykowska
2015 Figshare  
The impact of two forms of gellan gum on the viscoelastic properties of starch pastes obtained from potato starch is discussed. The evaluation of the pastes structure in the company of low-and high-acyl gellan gum was made with rheological model based on fractional Maxwell-Wiechert approach on how to combine the mechanical components. Rheological parameters were determined and their modification related to the gellan gum content in potato starch paste was discussed. It was found that the potato
more » ... starch pastes containing both forms of gellan gum are the media whose structure represents typical behavior of quasi-solid viscoelastic bodies.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1502444.v1 fatcat:5ibpg6acy5fiplkdfofromf24q