An Approach for Time Travel through Quantum Physics

S. Aishwarya
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
An intra-universe wormhole is a region of space time whose boundary is trivial at the same time whose interior is not connected .This Thesis mainly proposes an effort to explore the existence of wormholes or Einstein Rosen bridges through which time travel can be carried out to land in past or future. Black holes are one way trip but wormholes are two-mouth tunnels. I propose a traversable and stable wormhole for space and time travel. Relativity theory does not allow for travel into the past.
more » ... ut such travel could possibly be achieved using Einstein-Rosen bridges, better known as wormhole tunnels. Theoretically no significant experiment application has been taken directly on this subject. Phantom energy will end the function of universe by creating a space which will be completely anti-gravitational. The existences of wormholes are not proved yet, but our laws of physics supports their existence. Thus, this work is to establish a new path for the future generation.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.4083 fatcat:shx2y5baeff3fcgb6hoovks7eq