A Preliminary Design: "assessment as learning" to accelerate students' achievements

Wahyu Budi Sabtiawan, Elok Sudibyo, Tutut Nurita
2018 Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018)   unpublished
Assessment is a part of educational process. One of the assessment roles is "assessment as learning" (AaL). The study aims to introduce a preliminary design for implementing AaL. The research, as developmental research, has been in a design step. The design was developed based on the genetic of AaL viewing the way to assess is the way to learn. Also, literature review was the one used to determine stages of the design. The preliminary design of AaL consisted of eight stages involving Orienting
more » ... ssignment, Discussing Criteria, Completing Assignment, Doing Self-Assessment, Revising Assignment I, Doing Peer-Assessment, Revising Assignment II and Evaluating. In other words, the design will force students to learn through how they will be assessed.
doi:10.2991/icst-18.2018.42 fatcat:26l3szfehbfvvbvtywsccfmqa4