Bioremediation of Industrial Effluents using Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi

Ritu Kedia, Ameeta Sharma
2015 Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia  
Mother Nature can feed us but human appetite is uncontrollable. The rapid expansion and sophistication of industries over the last thirty years in increasing amount has contributed to enormous waste effluents and their untreated escape in environmental bodies is causing pollution and imbalance in ecosystem. To reduce impurities and prevention from ill effects in nature scientists have developed eco friendly techniques and bioremediation has emerged as a clean and green technology as it employs
more » ... se of microorganisms like fungi and bacteria to restore environment from contaminants like petroleum products, heavy metals, weedicides, sludge waste, textiles, fly ash, paper and pulp effluents. Technologies like Phytoremediation, Phytostabilization, Bioaugmentation, Phytoextraction, Rhizofiltration, Biosorption, Biostimulation, and Hyperaccumulation have substantiated effects in amelioration of environment. The promising technique is Mycoremediation incorporating the removal or requisition of toxic compounds employing fungi, an efficient tool as it shows tolerance to extreme physical and chemical conditions, easy large scale fermentation, and most important its symbiotic association with plants and contribution in nutrient increase in biogeochemical cycles. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi are vital soil microbes proven benefits in increased yields, crops quality, stress tolerance and capturing of heavy metals.
doi:10.13005/bbra/1651 fatcat:tci5eldiyjh2fb3sippdjahba4