Salivary Calprotectin in Patient With Oral Candidiasis

Afryla Femilian
2021 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020–Health Science and Nursing (ICoSIHSN 2020)   unpublished
Calprotectin, a calcium and zinc-binding protein found in non-keratin squamous epithelial membranes, is a cytosolic protein produced by neutrophils and monocytes, which can be found in serum plasma, urine, saliva and other body fluids. Calprotectin has antifungal activity by inhibiting yeast development from becoming hyphal, in which the activity is associated with a zincbinding capability. Calprotectin can inhibit the growth of Candida Albicans; the calprotectin level in saliva will affect
more » ... candidiasis incidence. However, the mechanism action remains unclear. A literature review was carried out in this study to elucidate the mechanism action of salivary calprotectin toward the growth of Candida Albicans by searching for the top 20 articles on mechanism action of salivary calprotectin toward the growth of Candida Albicans. These articles were accessed from PUBMED/MEDLINE and during December 2019. Calprotectin inhibits Candida Albicans growth by depriving the zinc, the findings support antimicrobial activity for this protein. Calprotectin activity has shown a synergistic increase in conjunction with lactoferrin (an iron-binding protein) produced by neutrophils in the infected area. Along with Lactoferrin, it controlled the fungal growth of Candida Albicans by retaining its essential metal nutrients. Therefore, this study aims to observe the activities of expression and release of calprotectin in immune and immunopathological reactions, especially in fungal infections. Calprotectin production, or release, or both, may increase within subjects with candidiasis.
doi:10.2991/ahsr.k.210115.060 fatcat:4kgp5lkqiffzjljpy54qwyxrnq