Accounting for Total Work

Andrea Brandolini, Eliana Viviano
2014 Social Science Research Network  
The aim of this paper is to analyse how accounting for household production might affect labour market statistics. This topic has grown in importance since the release of the new System of National Accounts in 2008. We show that the traditional headcount ratios focussing on the number of people carrying out some home and market production may not be very informative about cross-country differences in market and work at home. We then propose a general class of three-parameter indices based on
more » ... time spent working in either type of work that encompasses the traditional headcount indicators. We apply this index for selected configurations of the parameters to illustrate features of the labour markets in large European countries and the United States.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2589567 fatcat:vbxczhl47nfgdouokoa77efyva