1987 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo  
therapy in infants and children. Ne'w York, Marcel Ðekker, 1988. 820p. ilus' 26 cm. (Clinicnl Pediatrics Series/4). ISBN 0-8247-7745-){. Until now, books dealing with antimicrobial pharmacokinetics, dosage levels, pharma. codynamics, and clinical correlations have primarily examined adult subjects. However, the intelligent use of antimicrobial agents in children requires more than simple extrapolation of observations made in adults. Infants and children suffer from a different array of
more » ... s disea^ses, the disposition of. a,ntimicrobial drugs by their bodies is different, as well as their responses to drug therap¡y. Written by over 35 leading international authorities, this massive work allows clinicia¡rs to make quick, yet thoughtful, deci'sions when selecting a¡rtimicrobial agents for pediatric pa. tients. the gap beüween virologist a^nd practioing pï\ysician by encompassing those aspects of basic Virology relevant to clinical medisine. As a compendium of current information, it provides a resource for virologists, ptrysicians, m+ dical students and residents that can facilitate clinical care and stimulate further investigative inquiry. This textbook has been extensively referenced in order to encourage the reader to return to original artioles for more detailed discussion of methodolory and clinical obs€rì/ations. Im. munology of viral diseases, diagnosis of viral infections, antiviral drugs and RNA tumor viruses are covered in se¡rarate introduó6ry chapters. DNA tumor viruses are discussed in individual sections according t'o virus type. Viruses a^nd, in certain cases, groups of viruses âre covered separately in individual chap ters and in general are organized T6r nucleic acid content. The text concludes with discus sions of suspected viral infections including Kawasaki syndrome and Reye s¡mdrome. 392
doi:10.1590/s0036-46651987000600011 fatcat:sxhk7p33vbc5djpqfqmaizdatq