A Study on Inquiry into the Growth Process and Learning Promotion Elements of Sport for all Instructor through Informal Learning

Kim Seungyong
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
The purpose of this study is to inquire into the growth process & learning promotion elements Sport for All instructor through informal learning. To achieve the research objective, this study selected 5 instructors at the guidance field of Sport for All as participant in research, and this study looked deep into the growth process & learning promotion elements using Strauss and Corbin's 'Grounded Theory.' The research drew the results as follows: First, this study divided the growth process of
more » ... port for All instructor through informal learning into the introductory phase as a newcomer, establishment phase as a member of an organization, and phase of growing into an expert. Second, for learning promotion elements, Sport for All instructor is requested to form self-learning culture from the personal aspect, improve the awareness of learning from the content aspect, and construct the learning environment from the organization aspect. Mostly, the job site learning in the instruction field of Sport for All is done informally in the business situation rather than the formal. Particularly, the duty of Sport for All instructor has distinctiveness, in which required is the professional upskilling affording to do close interaction with participants in Sport for All who have various demands and characteristics. Accordingly, This study thinks that growth process & learning promotion elements of Sport for All instructor through informal learning has an important learning significance in improving an instructor's professionalism in terms of experience and action.
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i23/79329 fatcat:452sq54krrbdvk42zvzwlksici