Tracking Activity Of Real Individuals In Web Logs

Sándor Juhász, Renáta Iváncsy
2007 Zenodo  
This paper describes an enhanced cookie-based method for counting the visitors of web sites by using a web log processing system that aims to cope with the ambitious goal of creating countrywide statistics about the browsing practices of real human individuals. The focus is put on describing a new more efficient way of detecting human beings behind web users by placing different identifiers on the client computers. We briefly introduce our processing system designed to handle the massive amount
more » ... of data records continuously gathered from the most important content providers of the Hungary. We conclude by showing statistics of different time spans comparing the efficiency of multiple visitor counting methods to the one presented here, and some interesting charts about content providers and web usage based on real data recorded in 2007 will also be presented.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1072113 fatcat:inn2l4532vbmxl3kruhaljklua