Human mast cell tryptase activates single-chain urinary-type plasminogen activator (pro-urokinase)

M S Stack, D A Johnson
1994 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Human lung mast cell tryptase is a trypsin-like serine proteinase that is stored in mast cell granules and released by activated mast cells. Here we report that mast cell tryptase is a potent activator of single-chain urinary-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA, or prourokinase), the zymogen form of urinary-type plasminogen activator (u-PA). Activation was complete within 75 min using an enzyme:substrate molar ratio of 1:50 and was accompanied by cleavage of scu-PA at Lys158-Ile159, generating
more » ... tive two-chain u-PA. The reaction was dependent on enzyme concentration and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Kinetic constants calculated for scu-PA activation by mast cell tryptase are Km = 34 microM, Vmax = 3.6 pmol of u-PA/min, and kcat = 0.08 s-1. These data suggest that tryptase from tumor-associated mast cells may participate in the activation of scu-PA.
pmid:8144524 fatcat:5ef7ovcgfveebjpzxyfxwwf5nu