BJP volume 200 issue 2 Cover and Front matter

2012 British Journal of Psychiatry  
Editorials 89 Negative childhood experiences and mental health: theoretical, clinical and primary prevention implications J. Read and R. P. Bentall 91 Ashanti fertility dolls (Akua'ba) -psychiatry in pictures Malcolm P. Weller 92 Antibody-mediated encephalitis: a treatable cause of schizophrenia B. R. Lennox, A. J. Coles and A. Vincent 94 Post-trauma symptoms in Dickens' Our Mutual Friend: better Abel than Cain -psychiatry in 19th-century literature Alistair Stewart 95 Setting the bar: athletes
more » ... and vulnerability to mental illness L. Hughes and G. Leavey
doi:10.1017/s0007125000257917 fatcat:ghgsx5rn5zfenerjdnh3cys76i