Combined Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Fluorescence Molecular Tomography for Breast Tumor Imaging [report]

Scott C. Davis
2008 unpublished
In June 2007, Bridge Diagnostics, Inc. (BDI), was contracted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to perform live-load testing and load rating on Bridge S-4360 at Camp Hovey, South Korea, in conjunction with two other structures, S-1801 and S-1090 at Camp Casey. A primary goal of the live-load testing was to determine the relative effects of different military load configurations. Of particular interest was determining the benefit of using the Heavy Equipment Transporter System (HETS) to
more » ... t heavy equipment such as an M1A1 tank. Another goal was to use the measured load responses to verify and calibrate a finite element model of the structure. The model resulting from the structural identification procedure was then used to generate accurate load ratings for specific AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) and military load configurations. Both the direct load test and subsequent load rating results indicated that the MIA1 tank generated greater flexural stresses than did the HETS carrying the M1A1 tank. The bridge appeared to be in good condition and was apparently designed to carry heavy military loads. Load rating calculations determined that all vehicles considered could cross the bridge within Inventory (normal design) stress limits.
doi:10.21236/ada485300 fatcat:o5dkddnjevc6jkcwdcikt7mdwu