Meta!Blast computer game: a pipeline from science to 3D art to education

William Schneller, P. J. Campbell, Diane Bassham, Eve Syrkin Wurtele, Ian E. McDowall, Margaret Dolinsky
2012 The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2012  
Meta!Blast ( is designed to address the challenges students often encounter in understanding cell and metabolic biology. Developed by faculty and students in biology, biochemistry, computer science, game design, pedagogy, art and story, Meta!Blast is being created using Maya ( and the Unity 3D ( game engine, for Macs and PCs in classrooms; it has also been exhibited in an immersive environment. Here, we describe the
more » ... ine from protein structural data and holographic information to art to the threedimensional (3D) environment to the game engine, by which we provide a publicly-available interactive 3D cellular world that mimics a photosynthetic plant cell. Downloaded From: on 02/02/2017 Terms of Use: SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8289 828905-2 SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8289 828905-3 Downloaded From: on 02/02/2017 Terms of Use: SPIE-IS&T/ Vol. 8289 828905-5 Downloaded From: on 02/02/2017 Terms of Use:
doi:10.1117/12.911289 fatcat:2775uos4xzhqda2ivwdk46mswq