Correlates of intimate partner violence among HIV-positive women in southwest Nigeria

O Ezebuka, N Sam-Agudu, S Erekaha, M Dairo
2015 Lancet Global Health  
The prevalence of domestic violence among Nigerian women increased from 21% in 2011 to 30% in 2013, with an estimated two-thirds of these women experiencing violence from a male intimate partner. Previous studies have found a correlation between HIV-positive status and domestic violence in Nigerian women. In this study, we aimed to identify diff erent forms of, and factors associated with, intimate partner violence (IPV) among women living with HIV in southwestern Nigeria. Methods We conducted
more » ... cross-sectional survey at a tertiary health facility that cares for more than 1500 women living with HIV. The research team, including a facility-based counsellor, used a structured questionnaire to collect sociodemographic and intimate relationship data from participants. Information about IPV before and after women disclosed their HIV status to partners was collected. IPV forms were categorised as physical, sexual, and psychological according to WHO Domestic Violence defi nitions. Characteristics of respondents who reported IPV were compared with those for women who did not. We used Z tests and χ² tests to compare dependent and independent samples, respectively, and we used multivariate logistic regression to identify factors independently associated with IPV.
doi:10.1016/s2214-109x(15)70142-7 fatcat:qgl5ah3ikvgadcj6nf6sdprfni