Numerical analysis of bearing capacity of rectangular footing

Sujata Gupta, Anupam Mital
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
This study investigates the effects of the soil bearing pressure values of the rectangular shape footing located on the horizontal ground surface using PLAXIS software. It is Finite element method based software, used to analysis deformation and stability in engineering projects. It has a wider application in constitutive soil model (stress-strain-time relationship). PLAXIS software is a good tool which can be used for explaining the soil behaviour and settlement under different loading
more » ... ns. The two dimensional (2D) and three dimensions (3D) model of rectangular footing were analysed and compared. The results showed that the 3D analysis provides more accurate results as compared to the 2D analysis and also observed the failure mechanism of the soil model.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1240/1/012039 fatcat:2byyrk24rzdbbh3pwtpdktvzbe