Research on Functionary Mechanism of Innovative Culture in Enterprise

Chunyan Shao
2009 International Journal of Business and Management  
Sustainable development is contacted with Sustainable Innovation. Innovative culture in enterprise is the core of survival and development, innovative prosecution and innovative management, the fundamentality of maintaining sustainable innovation, the base of developing innovative competitive power. Innovative culture in enterprise helps enterprises achieve sustainable development through influencing innovative executor and cultivating innovative environment and then providing impulsion for
more » ... pendent innovation. Enterprise innovation culture is created and shaped in the activities of innovation and innovation management in order to adapt to the rapid development and change of market competition environment. It can motivate staff to innovate and develop gradually employees' conscious awareness of innovation, that is, employees can innovate constantly and try their hard to innovate, so that innovation becomes an integral part of the life and core values of employees. Therefore innovative culture in enterprise is the core of survival and development, innovative prosecution and innovative management, the fundamentality of maintaining sustainable innovation, the base of developing innovative competitive power. In the current competitive market environment, it is the only way for enterprise to develop to shape enterprise's core competitiveness through innovation culture. Innovative culture in enterprise promotes innovation and helps enterprises improve their core competitiveness and achieve sustainable development through fostering innovation stuff of innovation subject and cultivating innovative environment.
doi:10.5539/ijbm.v4n2p93 fatcat:wa6srhx5vvfhndnaozn2kgrkci