Improved Carbon Dioxide Capture Using Nanostructured Ceramic Membranes

Ngozi Claribelle Nwogu, Edward Gobina, Mohammed Nasir Kajama
2013 Low Carbon Economy  
A nanoporous-structured tubular hybrid inorganic membrane capable of stripping carbon dioxide from flue gas stream was designed and tested at laboratory scale to improve compliance with various environmental regulations to cushion the effect of global warming. Single gas separation experiments using silica modified ceramic membrane were carried out to investigate individual gas permeation behaviors at different pressures and membrane efficiency after a dip coating method. Four gases: Nitrogen
more » ... 2 ), Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), Oxygen (O 2 ) and Methane (CH 4 ) were used. Plots of flow rate versus pressure were generated. Results show that the gas flow rate increases with pressure drop. However at above a pressure of 4 bars, the flow rate of CO 2 was much higher than the other gases, indicating dominance of a more selective absorptive type transport mechanism.
doi:10.4236/lce.2013.43013 fatcat:4rm7q2up2nbmpo624777dlpcgu