Formation Peculiarities of the Emotional Component of Moral Consciousness of Preschool Children

2018 15th Edition of the International Conference on Sciences of Education, Studies and Current Trends in Science of Education, ICSED 2017, 9-10 June 2017, Suceava (Romania)   unpublished
Preschool age is the most favorable period for moral development of children. In the early preschool years while arranging of relationship with a tutor children learn the rules and specified requirements for their behavior in relationships with other people (and adults peers). In the moral formation of the child and its moral experience development of moral feelings is an important factor. Important factors for development moral feelings are the moral experience. Moral formation of the child
more » ... its depends on moral experience is an important factor in the development of moral feelings. Our research objective was formation peculiarities of the emotional component of the moral consciousness of preschool children identification. We assume that the emotional components of the moral consciousness of preschoolers are dominant among other components and have to be observed and corrected. For achieving of objective, we tested the hypothesis. While checking we used following methods: analysis and synthesis; psychological and pedagogical literature; generalization, deduction, and induction; psychodiagnostic methods; mathematical and statistical methods of processing and analysis of empirical data, descriptive statistics. Research was performed at the kindergarten -«Child Development Center» № 35 Chernivtsicity . In total, the research involved 40 children 4-6 years old, 18 boys and 22 girls. Results of research confirmed that the emotional components of the moral consciousness of preschool childrenare dominant and as a result of correctional and developmental programs it has positive change.
doi:10.18662/lumproc.icsed2017.22 fatcat:fvagnnf6yzb2fcft4ehpv53psm