Scalable matrix computations on large scale-free graphs using 2D graph partitioning

Erik G. Boman, Karen D. Devine, Sivasankaran Rajamanickam
2013 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis on - SC '13  
Scalable parallel computing is essential for processing large scale-free (power-law) graphs. The distribution of data across processes becomes important on distributed-memory computers with thousands of cores. It has been shown that twodimensional layouts (edge partitioning) can have significant advantages over traditional one-dimensional layouts. However, simple 2D block distribution does not use the structure of the graph, and more advanced 2D partitioning methods are too expensive for large
more » ... raphs. We propose a new two-dimensional partitioning algorithm that combines graph partitioning with 2D block distribution. The computational cost of the algorithm is essentially the same as 1D graph partitioning. We study the performance of sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) for scale-free graphs from the web and social networks using several different partitioners and both 1D and 2D data layouts. We show that SpMV run time is reduced by exploiting the graph's structure. Contrary to popular belief, we observe that current graph and hypergraph partitioners often yield relatively good partitions on scale-free graphs. We demonstrate that our new 2D partitioning method consistently outperforms the other methods considered, for both SpMV and an eigensolver, on matrices with up to 1.6 billion nonzeros using up to 16,384 cores.
doi:10.1145/2503210.2503293 dblp:conf/sc/BomanDR13 fatcat:g5w2n53zzzelfnuourogfum3ii