Study of the balneability in the Francisquinha Stream Basin, in the municipality of Porto Nacional/TO

Victor Vinicius Medeiros Beniz, Ângelo Ricardo Balduino
2020 Natural Resources (ISSN 2237-9290)  
Water is a natural resource that is indispensable for life of all. However, this resource is not inexhaustible. Its use can have the most diverse purposes, whether for industrial activity, common daily use up to recreation activities. The municipality of Porto Nacional has several tributaries, that can be used in various ways by the local population. One of the forms of use is recreational activity, and in this study the bacteriological analysis of the Francisquinha Stream Basin was performed
more » ... rough the indicators of the group of total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli).). The results of the monitoring were based on the parameters established for balneability purposes defined by the current norm of CONAMA Resolution No. 274/00. In order to obtain the confirmatory results of microbiological presence, the Colilert technique was used in laboratory experiments. The detected levels of E. coli bacteria demonstrate a high concentration rate, thus allowing the classification of waters for balneability as improper waters, according to CONAMA Resolution No. 274/00. Therefore, the intention of recreational activity in the basin under study was framed outside the required standards.
doi:10.6008/cbpc2237-9290.2020.003.0012 fatcat:3uqn3bpstbghni57pmjan2hbxq