The non-English major lecturers speak English: The barriers encountered by adult learners

Ahmad Madkur
2018 Journal on English as a Foreign Language  
<p>This study was aimed at investigating the difficulties and problems faced by non-English major lecturers when they were taking a part in English discussion. This study was a qualitative descriptive research involving 10 non-English major lecturers who took a part in a twice-a-week discussion so-called English Corner. To collect the data, in-depth interview and observation were used. The collected data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman's interactive data analysis data model consisting
more » ... of data reduction, data display and data verifying. The result of the study showed that those barriers could be classified into three problems namely socio-cultural, linguistic and interpersonal problems. The found barriers were expected to be a consideration to find out the solution to make the betterment of English learning among lecturers with the non-English background of study.</p>
doi:10.23971/jefl.v8i1.584 fatcat:ebfuuilkqvdjxpogxtto37kve4