European Social Model – What Stands in the way of the European Social Architecture?

Razvan-Mihail Papuc
2012 Procedia Economics and Finance  
ESM is more of a linguistic convention rather than a, legal and institutional reality, more of a rather than an interlocutor reality, and not a presence, or neither a presence nor an absence as Derrida would say in its deconstruction exercises, it is at the center of debates related to both its conceptual reconfiguration, and the identification of new sets of transnational public preferences formalized in as well as the transformation of these new terms and values into efficient sues this time
more » ... t a supranational level. In this paper, we propose an exercise of archeology of knowledge of the field, an attempt of figuring out some of the causes which lead to the questioning of the existence of a European social model.
doi:10.1016/s2212-5671(12)00281-x fatcat:dzsxav5ohzcxxdal3ftlnl2gxi