Antibacterial Constituents against Helicobacter pylori of Brazilian Medicinal Plant, Pariparoba

Takahiko ISOBE, Ayumi OHSAKI, Kumiko NAGATA
2002 Yakugaku zasshi  
Four known compounds have been isolated from the aerial parts of the Brazilian medicinal plant Pariparoba ( Pothomorphe umbellata). They were an alkaloid, a ‰avone, a dihydrocalcone, and a steroid. The chemical structures were established to be N benzoylmescaline, wogonin, uvangoletin, and b sitosterol glucoside using spectral methods. Among these compounds, the main component N benzoylmescaline showed signiˆcant antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori.
doi:10.1248/yakushi.122.291 pmid:11968842 fatcat:4fhzalhhgrcypg5hffirpdojqe