Technologies for transporting hydrocarbons from offshore Arctic seas

Bogdan U. Vasilev
2017 unpublished
Corresponding author (a) Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21 line, Saint Petersburg, Russia,, +7 (952) 384-97-25 (b) Saint-Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21 line, Saint Petersburg, Russia,, +7 (952) 249-67-07 Abstract The largest deposits of hydrocarbons (oil, gas and condensate) are located on the shelf of the Arctic seas, characterized by difficult natural climatic conditions (ice conditions, temperature, wind and currents) that limit access
more » ... the deposit during the year. This circumstance brings up-to-date and requires research and development in the search for alternative technical means of exploration of offshore hydrocarbon deposits for existing ones (floating production platforms, tankers, etc.). Year-round exploitation and transport of hydrocarbons from the offshore may be ensured by subsea pumping complexes (SPC). The subject of research in this article is SPC electrical mechanical systems of hydrocarbons transportation from offshore deposits. The main objective is to identify operation issues of existing electrical mechanical systems of pumping complexes of the continental pipelines, make up proposals how to handle them when used as a part of SPC to ensure high reliability and develop prospective structures and components of SPC electrical mechanical systems. Also, the article considers existing SPCs and projects where they are used to explore offshore hydrocarbon deposits.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2017.07.02.126 fatcat:5cusmuywpvb5deqhxrvnjr4vmq