The effect of TiCrN coating on high temperature stability of Inconel 617
TiCrN 코팅이 Inconel 617 합금의 고온안정성에 미치는 영향

Byeong-Woo Lee, Jong-Cheon Park, Mi-Ru Kim, Jin-Heui Koo, Byeong-Ik Kim, Hyun Cho
2011 Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology  
TiCrN layers (Ti : Cr = 20 : 80 and 5 : 95 wt%) were deposited on Inconel 617 and the effect of TiCrN coating on the high temperature stability of Inconel 617 up to 1000 o C was examined. XRD analysis and microstructural observation showed that vigorous and inhomogenous Cr diffusion to the surface was suppressed by TiCrN layer compare to the uncoated Inconel 617. This led to a distinctive enhancement in thermal oxidation resistance of Inconel 617.
doi:10.6111/jkcgct.2011.21.6.235 fatcat:2prxtzswsjepjlf3vssahn6gmy