Archiwum Fotogram etrii, K artografii i T eledetekcji Vol. II, K rak ów 2001 Lokalizacja granic w ekosystemach z wykorzystaniem termowizji

Andrzej Lubecki, Joanna Surowiec
U n i w e r s y t e t W a r m i ń s k o-M a z u r s k i * K a t e d r a F o t o g r a m e Abstract Ekosystems which include all organisms living on a given area, together with physical environment, are connected between each other with processes o f energy flow and matter circulation. The factors which condition existing o f these processes in ecosystems are green plants, animals as well as junga and bacteria. These groups constitute trophic structure in the form offood chains. The general
more » ... iple o f ecosystem reduces to the fact that one organism is a source o f food for the other, the latter fo r the next and so on. Tacing into account diversity o f ecosystems, reflecting a series o f elements o f geographical environment, we deal with thermal diversityof the ground, which in turn, decides about absorption, dissipation or reflection o f thermal energy reaching the surface o f the Eąrth. These phenomena, recorded by thermovision systems can be located on thermogrammes. The problem to be discussed is determination o f borders between ecosystem groups on the basis o f superficial distribution o f temperatures on thermogrammes recorded from a plane 1. C e l p r a c y i m e t o d y A n a l i z a s t a n u s t r u k t u r y k r a j o b r a z u j e s t c e l e m p r z y w r ó c e n i a k r a j o b r a z u n a t u r a l n t z w. r e n a t