Geomorphologic Vulnerability of Slopes in the Urban Planning of Târgu Mureș Municipality

Cristian Tiberiu Togănel, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Technical and Physical Geography, Clinicilor Street, 400006, Cluj-Napoca, Ioan-Aurel Irimuș, Sanda Roșca, George Rus, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Technical and Physical Geography, Clinicilor Street, 400006, Cluj-Napoca,, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Technical and Physical Geography, Clinicilor Street, 400006, Cluj-Napoca,, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Technical and Physical Geography, Clinicilor Street, 400006, Cluj-Napoca
2019 Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai: Geographia  
Geomorphologic Vulnerability of Slopes in the Urban Planning of Târgu Mureș Municipality. The identification of the geomorphologic vulnerability of a territory is a very important stage in the process of urban planning. Târgu Mureș municipality has extended its built-up area in the last few years independently of the restrictions which should be imposed in order to avoid the situation of building in areas with a high probability of landslide occurrence. As a consequence, the present study
more » ... fied the built-up area of Târgu Mureș in probability classes for landslide occurrence according to the Governmental Order 447/2003 and using GIS technology which facilitates such complex analyses. Specialised data was collected using geomorphologic mapping which captured the active slope processes. These were eventually used for validating the final results.
doi:10.24193/subbgeogr.2018.2.01 fatcat:bi2gmxgztjau3p6u6u2syctejm