The impact assessment of technologies diffusion: a mixed methods analysis

Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam, Somayeh Tohidyan Far
2019 Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture  
Impact assessment is an important process that helps the policy makers to understand the consequences of possible and actual government interventions. Assessing the impacts and consequences is considered as applicable means for policy makers and planners of projects, since not only it measures and presents the plans' developments, but also for determining their impacts on the target group. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to assess the impacts of laser-land-leveling technology in Iran,
more » ... omparing the impacts among two groups of farmers adopting traditional-leveling and laser-land-leveling projects and identifying factors influencing perception regarding laser-land-leveling technology impacts. Methodology: The research draws on a mixed-methods approach, which includes two distinct research phases. First, 375 farmers were selected using survey based on stratified random sampling for quantitative part. Twenty-Seven farmers were also interviewed in the qualitative phase. Results: The most important impacts of laser-land leveling were uniform germination of the crop, uniform distribution of water, decrease of soil erosion, increasing positive competition, and increasing net income. In addition, the results revealed that adopters of laser-land leveling expressed more impacts than another group. Conclusions: Attitude towards water and soil resources' conservation was the most important variable to predict the impacts' perception among traditional-leveling adopters. It is necessary to officials to increase the information of farmers regarding different consequences of the project and contributing them to make proper decisions for farm management.
doi:10.1186/s40538-019-0162-3 fatcat:lmkwpuojyfcn3i73q7ghmlbna4