Effects of Shape Ratio of Billet on Extruded Length and Extrusion Loadin Forward Can-Backward Can Combined Extrusion Forging

Eisuke MURAI, Munenori ONO, Yasuhisa TOZAWA, Yukihiko SAWAI, Takahiro KOJIMA, Shin-ichi HAMAYA
2009 Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity  
Combined extrusion forging is effective in load reduction and process simplification. However, combined forging is not used widely. The reason for this seems to be the load and metal flow being difficult to assume. Many research studies have been conducted to solve this problem. Although it is considered that extrusion load and metal flow are affected by the shape ratio of a billet (ho/do), research on this subject is insufficient. In this study, the effects of the shape ratio of a billet on
more » ... al flow and extrusion load in forward can-backward can combined extrusion forging were examined by experiment and analysis. The metal flow is affected by the shape ratio of a billet. When the shape ratio is 1.5, the rate of change in extruded length changes. When the shape ratio is 0.4, extruded length is proportional to the stroke. Extrusion load increases with the shape ratio of a billet. The forward and backward extruded lengths and the combined extrusion load can be predicted from the diameter, height and flow stress of a billet and the reduction in what area.
doi:10.9773/sosei.50.847 fatcat:m4tgdqyfuncyva375jsdg4ewyi