Detection of synchronization for non-phase-coherent and non-stationary data

M. C Romano, M Thiel, J Kurths, I. Z Kiss, J. L Hudson
2005 Europhysics letters  
PACS. 82.40.Bj -Oscillations, chaos, and bifurcations. PACS. 83.85.Ns -Data analysis (interconversion of data computation of relaxation and retardation spectra; time-temperature superposition, etc.). Abstract. -We present a new method to detect phase as well as generalized synchronization in a wide class of complex systems. It is based on the recurrences of the system's trajectory to the neighborhood of a former state in phase space. We illustrate the applicability of the algorithm for the
more » ... igmatic chaotic Rössler system in the funnel regime and for noisy data, where other methods to detect phase synchronization fail. Furthermore, we demonstrate for electrochemical experiments that the method can easily detect phase and generalized synchronization in nonphase-coherent and even non-stationary time series. c EDP Sciences Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or http://dx.
doi:10.1209/epl/i2005-10095-1 fatcat:7djac7yvp5ak7mgf24fo44mywu