Analysis of the consumption of nutritional supplements by practitioners of physical activity in fitness centers / Análise do consumo de suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de atividade física em academias de ginástica

Maria Fernanda de Souza Dos Santos, Mariane Daniella Da Silva, João Pedro Cano, Crispin Humberto Garcia Cruz, Fernanda Maria Pagane Guereschi Ernandes
2021 Brazilian Journal of Development  
The consumption of nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals has increased in an abusive way all over the world. The concern with body esthetics and ease of sale has led the population to use indiscriminately what can harm health. The aim of the study was to analyze the use of nutritional supplements by bodybuilders in gyms in order to know if there is consumption and if there was prior knowledge about the effects caused by food supplements and by who was recommended (whether a qualified professional or own
doi:10.34117/bjdv7n10-333 fatcat:oqnkpvd7lrdjfm2ull67r6bziq