Metafunction Meaning Realization in Lexicogrammar of Sermon Texts on lLanguage and Cultural Monthr, Kupang Town: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach

Magdalena Ngongo, Mesakh Dethan, Hermyn B Hyna
2018 Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication (KLUA 2018)   unpublished
This paper described metafunction meaning realization in lexicogrammar of sermon texts delivered in churches on May 2017 that was called A Language and Cultural Month. The data informing this study were taken from 38 texts and were analysed based on Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach. The results showed that ideational meaning was realized in transitivity system that covered six process types. It showed that material process was more used than other processes. Exclamation process was
more » ... used because of the text type, monologue, and also because of the speakers who were more focused on statements that could be understood and interpreted faithfully by listeners. Interpersonal meaning was realized in mood system in which declarative was more used. This fact indicated that the speakers were more focused on describing facts by using statements forms in which listeners could understand and interpret without arguing verbally. The use of textual metafunction of meaning that discovered in theme in which topical theme was used most than other themes, which denoted that the speakers were more focused on message by using topical. The stresses of subject by using mark theme were limitedly used, which implied that the speakers did not need to re-emphasize the topic as subject since the subject itself was clearly enough stated. Based on the findings, it is suggested that sermons should contain varieties types of process, mood, and theme to make sermons be more interesting and make listeners be more motivated to follow other sermons.
doi:10.2991/klua-18.2018.31 fatcat:iuys4atfbvg4faoxlninzyb34q