Comparative analysis of various AC/coaxial adapters for LISN calibration up to 1 GHz

Ryosuke Tani, Ifong Wu, Kaoru Gotoh, Yasushi Matsumoto, Shinobu Ishigami, Ryosuke Suga, Osamu Hashimoto
2018 IEICE Communications Express  
There are various types of AC/coaxial adapter for line impedance stabilization network (LISN) calibration because the AC plug used differs among countries. The difference in the characteristics of the adapters may be large at a high frequency such as 1 GHz; thus, their characteristics should be compared. In this paper, the transmission characteristics of onephase AC/coaxial adapters for Japan (A-type) and UK and some Asian countries (BF and B3-types, respectively) are compared using their
more » ... lent circuit models. The following two results are obtained: (1) the BF-type most strongly affects the LISN calibration, and (2) the transmission coefficient of the A-type is the least affected by the reference ground. Fig. 3. Calculation results of transmission characteristics of the three AC/coaxial adapters (a) frequency characteristics at h ¼ 10 mm, and (b) deviations in transmission coefficient at h ¼ 10 mm from the coefficient of each adapter without the GND.
doi:10.1587/comex.2018xbl0005 fatcat:urjtbzyxy5eabmj27o7pvilupq