Active Control of Solar Array Dynamics During Spacecraft Maneuvers

Brant Ross, Nelson Woo, Thomas G. Kraft, Joseph R. Blandino
2016 3rd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference   unpublished
Recent NASA mission plans require spacecraft to undergo potentially significant maneuvers (or dynamic loading events) with large solar arrays deployed. Therefore there is an increased need to understand and possibly control the nonlinear dynamics in the spacecraft system during such maneuvers. The development of a nonlinear controller is described. The utility of using a nonlinear controller to reduce forces and motion in a solar array wing during a loading event is demonstrated. The result is
more » ... ramatic reductions in system forces and motion during a 10 second loading event. A motion curve derived from the simulation with the closed loop controller is used to obtain similar benefits with a simpler motion control approach.
doi:10.2514/6.2016-1706 fatcat:ggdhitrnifbgtjgcx367fmjage