Design and Test of a radiation tolerant FPGA system for the use in a particle accelerator experiment at CERN

Theodor Fischer
This project was done in collaboration with CERN and is part of the detector control system of the ATLAS experiment. The primary goal foresaw the development and testing of the FPGA card for the MOPS-HUB crate with the focus on radiation tolerance. This was accomplished with the approach of designing two different PCBs. The first PCB was created as a fast prototype with the use of a commercial SOM-board. This was also beneficial for confirming that the chosen FPGA is suitable for the MOPS-HUB
more » ... plication. After the successful assembly and test, a second, more complex and foremost radiation tolerant PCB was designed. This was achieved by solely using components of the CERN radiation database. The second part of this thesis focuses on increasing the distance of TMR registers with a Python script. A method was created for extracting and later parsing a design's placement information from Vivado. Furthermore, were system designed and implemented to recognize TMR cells, to find and validate free cells and to finally create a new placement for import into Vivado. These algorithms were tested with a multitude of configurations and the quality, based on the maximum possible frequency of a design, determined.
doi:10.57683/epub-2027 fatcat:7ollrizotvfspbukoxorr7d2ju