Verification of the effectiveness of decubitus ulcer prevention program by the nursing team

Yuki Furuichi, Shihoko Namba, Hiroko Terasawa, Airi Nitan, Taeko Fukuda, Mine Syakuda
2014 Journal of the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine  
Objective: Recently we have conducted preventive interventions against decubitus ulcers by a team of nurses. In this study, we tried to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions by analyzing the factors in the development of decubitus ulcers in patients. Method: Three hundred seventy nine patients brought into the Advanced Critical Care and Emergency Center of Okayama Univ. Hospital were selected as the subjects. Among them, 203 patients, for whom the assessment of decubitus ulcer
more » ... tion had been made by the nursing team, were allotted to the intervention group. And remaining 176 patients were allotted to the control group. We compared the incident rates of decubitus ulcers between the intervention group and the control group and, at the same time, we investigated into its risk factors too. Result: The number of those who had developed decubitus ulcers was 20 (11%) in the control group and 9 (4%) in the intervention group, which shows the incidence rate of decubitus ulcers was reduced. It was found from logistic analysis that the albumin value and bony prominences are a risk factor of decubitus ulcer development and that the decubitus ulcer prevention by the nursing team reduced the risk of decubitus ulcer development. Conclusion: Decubitus ulcer prevention by a nursing team are beneficial for reducing decubitus ulcer development.
doi:10.3918/jsicm.21.17 fatcat:2tdwdq4b2bhqbn72v7epznvbte