Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) User Guide (Version 2.2)

John W. Lockwood
This manual summarizes how to insert the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) into the Washington University Gigabit Switch (WUGS), how to install the NCHARGE control software, how to initialize the system, and how to reprogram a user-defined module into the FPX over the network using the included webbased tools. Follow this and additional works at: Abstract: The Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX) is a general-purpose, reprogrammable platform that performs data processing in Field
more » ... able Gate Array (FPGAs) hardware. The FPX extends operation of the Washington University Gigabit Switch (WUGS) by adding FPGA hardware at ingress and egress ports. As with the Smart Port Card (SPC), data packets can be actively processed by user-defined, reprogrammable modules as they pass though the device. Unlike the SPC, however, the FPX uses reprogramamble hardware, not software, to process the packets. The hardware-based processing allows the FPX to achieve multi-Gigabit per second throughput, even when performing deep processing of the packet payload. This manual summarizes how to insert FPX into the Washington University Gigabit Switch, how to install the NCHARGE control Abstract This manual summarizes how to insert the Field Programmable Port Extender (FPX) into the Washington University Gigabit Switch (WUGS), how to install the NCHARGE control software, how to initialize the system, and how to reprogram a user-defined module into the FPX over the network using the included web-based tools.
doi:10.7936/k7sj1hz1 fatcat:vniweq5w7jdrxmz67ihujosmda